Tuesday, November 06, 2007

A Whiff Of Lemongrass Turns ONE

A Whiff of Lemongrass' 1st Blog Anniversary!

It began, innocently enough, with char siew. But that would be like moving ahead to Chapter 10. For every story, there must, at least, be a prologue.

I have known Bald Eagle for 18 years and have been married to him for almost 7. In all those years, he has always referred to me as "the girl who never completed anything". Give me something, anything, and if I set my mind to it, I will do a good job of it. But my attention wanes quickly enough, and before you can say Merry Christmas, I'd have moved on to another hobby.

Shortly after we were married, I decided to take up photography. Now this was in the days before digital. I bought camera bodies (an analog SLR, a medium format, and even a Lomo!) and several lenses and studied books on photography. Then came digital and I gave up as I figured I would never be able to afford a digital SLR.

Then came painting (not the wall kind). When we first moved to our house in Shah Alam, I had intended to convert one of our rooms into an art studio. I had invested thousands of ringgit on paints and brushes, and thought of possibly turning it into a business. I would be engrossed in my own silent world as I painted into the wee hours of the morning, oblivious of the fact that my body was yearning to rest.

Sadly (for my art hobby, that is), I soon discovered the joys of jewellery making, and put heart and soul into my new-found passion. I travelled the world in search of unique beads and stones. A lot of time was invested in that hobby while my paints were relegated to the storeroom, and brought out once a year at Christmas time when I'd make presents for family.

By this time, my storeroom was crammed with the remnants of past interests. I was convinced that love, for me, would only be a temporary thing as I flitted from idea to idea, wondering if I could truly be passionate about anything. Perhaps, to a certain extent, I felt like a failure despite having achieved so much.

And then came blogging. The origins can be read in my first post. It began with an energetic conversation with a stranger about char siew. We became friends. And then there were more friends. The birth of the blog was a natural consequence of our friendship. My Facebook would look a lot less exciting if it weren't for the new friends I made along the way. Nobody would bomb me in Pirates. It would be a life unimaginable.

I've finally seen the light. The sustenance of my passion for blogging is fueled by the power of friendship. It's really that simple. Support. Interest. Concern. Chastisement. Encouragement. Love.

Thank you for keeping the flame burning.

(The glorious people of Abu Dhabi may click HERE to view pic.)


Saju said...

One year is awesome! Well done.
Funny you just described me in your write-up, I too have make jewellery, paint, sew and do crafty things, take pictures, blog......one thing at a time. the blog is getting the most time at the moment.

Anonymous said...

Loooove your 'cake'! ;)


Unknown said...

Hey selamat ulangtahun pertama. Wishing u more years of blogging ahead & hoping tat u won´t quit this hobby.

Steve said...

Happy Anniversary, Lyrical Lemongrass!

Been following your blog for the past two months from Tasmania (Australia) and absolutely loving it. Will be in Malaysia for Christmas and we are going to use A Whiff of Lemongrass as our culinary guide to the country.

We will be disappointed, of course, if we don't come across UnkaLeong and his now infamous abs in at least one of the eating establishments!

All the best for the coming year's blogging.

LianneK said...

Congrats, congrats!! From what I see, you're done a good job here, so do keep it up!

There's a chinese proverb that says, one can have many knives in their life, but sometimes not even one are sharp. True to what you'd earlier shared, I think its fairly common thing happening around ..

some never found the sharp knife but you had.

congrats again!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary Lemongrass!!

HairyBerry said...

Happy 1st Birthday! I've been "flogging" for 1.5 months now and must say that your blog has been a source of inspiration and salivation (from the food in the pics). Thanks and keep it up! Btw, added you in my Foodspiration links. :)

Kenny Mah said...

I was thinking of U2 and my favourite song of theirs, "One":

One love
One life
When it's one need
In the night
One love
We get to share it...

Thank you for letting us share you in your amazing journey, dear. Here's to many more years to your wonderful love --- blogging and the friendship that surrounds it.


Babe_KL said...

congrats madame president!!! lurve your blog and pls pls dun give up ok ;-)

jasmine said...

happy birthday! look forward to more yummilicious posts :)

Jason said...

Yay, Happy Birthday A Whiff of Lemongrass!

Psst, tell you a secret. The first post I read was this: http://awhiffoflemongrass.blogspot.com/2007/02/old-china-cafe-petaling-street-part-1.html

Lyrical Lemongrass said...

Saju: I think a lot of us have many things in common. Isn't that wonderful?

Maninas: I love the "cake" too. hahaha. Thanks!

Pushpa: Terima kasih banyak banyak!

Steveky: I'm glad you've been enjoying the blog! Let me know if you need any help. Unkaleong's abs...hahaha....will do my best!

imbi & itchy: awwwww...that's so sweet...thanks dear! :-)

riz ainuddin: I'm glad we got to *sorta* celebrate my blog anniversary last nite. :-)

nic(khkl): Thanks for the compliments and all the best with the blogging! :-)

Kenny Mah: I like that song too...(got memories of listening to that song live at their concert)...our friendship is a result of our blogs...wonderful, isn't it? :-)

babe_kl: I'm planning to stick to this for a long time more. Thanks, sweetie!

Christina Kim said...


Lyrical Lemongrass said...

jasmine: thanks! oh, there'll be more pictures to come, that's for sure. ;-)

jason: Thanks, dear. I'm so glad we became friends through our blogs. I read that post again, and I got tears in my eyes.

Lyrical Lemongrass said...

Christy, thank you!!

k.t.x said...

wow....what an aniversary..charsiew huh? cool. well...happy first anniversary "serai sepantun", kakaka

fatboybakes said...

awwwwww, happy 1st birthday.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday from your nephew and all of us here. :)) Looking forward to more delicious and mouth watering pictures. ;-)

"Joe" who is constantly craving said...

this reminds me..mine is about to turn a year old soon..let me go and check..

Coketai said...

Wow! Congratulation to the one year anniversary !!!! Thanks for bring me many many wonderful food review ( especially the Indian cuisine). Although I don't get to taste it but I get to know it....it is enough!!!

So, "Eat more and Blog more"


MeiyeN said...

happy birthday to your blog!!!! congrats, well done and keep it going yah... ;)

Lyrical Lemongrass said...

k.t.x: char siew...but of course! Thanks ar.

fatboybakes: thanks, dear. :-)

kat: oooh, thank you! see ya soon!

Nipples: Ya lor...we started about the same time...

coketai: Thank you...I'm so glad you've enjoyed the posts. :-) Definitely more to come. :-)

Meiyen: Thanks, dear! I'll definitely try to keep it going...I love it too much to stop. :-)

Anonymous said...

Wah, that is just so sinful to have a siewyoke birthday cake!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas...
and Happy New Year...

hey, whaddya know.. you're still here!! :D

Many more Christmases and New Years to come, babe! :)

Oh, and more anons to spice it up!! :P

gRaCe said...

Happy 1st Birthday dear!! wow... time really flies huh? bless the blogging world.. without it, i wouldn't have known u and so many other good friends i've met this year.. =D

Precious Pea said...

Happy Birthday to A Whiff Of Lemongrass! Hehehe..sista, you have proved your Hubby wrong. Keep up the good work. And ahem...how long it took for you to arrange the succulent char siu around the candle?

Henry Yeo said...

Have made the reservations already, awaiting your (and many others) confirmation.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to 'A Whiff of Lemongrass'..have never seen a cha siu cake before, yearn to have one for my bday hehe..i enjoy reading every bit of ur words and gorgeous pictures..more to come plz!

backStreetGluttons said...

we wish you will whhhiffully continue with your siewed drunken stupors until such time you are again distracted , but have no fear ...we will be here and here and then here for yr nex trysts

Argus Lou said...

Hey, lil' sis (one-year began) Serai! Happy anniversary! May you blog for many, many more years. And look - you've combined your artistry in photography and layout with your passion for food and writing. Hurray!

(Please buy 'Dark City 2' - apparently it's in the MPH of 1-Utama already. Nice plug, huh? ^_^)

msiagirl said...

Hello darlingk! waaah only one year - may you long continue to be such a delicious part of my life! Cheers to blogfriendship!

Big Boys Oven said...

That is so cool. so inspiration! Keep on blogging babe! Don't start any other new hobby yet! lol!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday tothe siew yoke blog :D

For that, I would rather have siew yoke than a cake for your blog-day.

Rarebeet said...

Happy Anniversary! That is the BEST photo EVER!!! Now, can I get a slice of char siu cake please?

Bernsy said...

it really almost sound and look like this blog has been around for like, "ages". Happy One Year old...

Your pictures are simply great , and I enjoy reading your blog posts... keep up to good work..

Henry Yeo said...

looks like I am not the only blogger who went to the festival restaurent: Here is the 1st review of Chynna's festival menu

Henry Yeo said...

Looks like someone is an even earlier bird than Ling or me...

Jun said...

wow ur blog's only a yr old?? unbelievable! seems like u've been blogging for a long time ;) nice to see tht at this stage, ur passion in photography is still very much ablaze :)

wmw said...

Happy 1st Bloggerversary! I hope no wax got onto the char siu, it would be a waste! LOL....

Anonymous said...

Aww... *pass tissue*

ling239 said...

CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS ~ ^_^
love the candle on the char siew so creative...

Anonymous said...

Congrats president! May u have endless supply of sashimi for the rest of ur blogging life.

*I wish so*

Cynthia said...

That was eloquently put! Happy blog anniversary! I'm happy that I discovered your blog.

Arin said...

Happy 1st Bday of ur blog..

Lyrical Lemongrass said...

hijackqueen: lol...we only live once. :-P

kat: Thanks...I can assure you that you'll see me for many more Christmases yet! Anons are fine as long as they behave. :-P

grace: yeah, that's one of the perks of blogging, isn't it? An increased social life. hehe. I'm so glad that I met you too.

Precious pea: Thank you, sista! And I'll let you in on a secret....Kenny Mah photoshopped that pic for me. heehee.

henry: thanks.

kampungboycitygal: u want a charsiew cake? can be arranged! hehe.

team bsg: I knew I could count on you for support. :-)

Argus: I'm so glad I met you, both in the blog and in real life...and now in Facebook. hehe. You're definitely one of the plus points. And yes, will look out for Dark City 2. Everyone should!!

msiagirl: Here's to blogfriendship, sweetie!! We've had so much fun together, haven't we? Have many pleasant memories of Bath, thanks to you! Here's to years more of friendship, both online and off.

BBO: I'm itching to start a new hobby already, but u know what...this blog will always be my first love...probably for a long time more.

tigerfish: here's to a siew yoke cake! Yeah...anytime, eh? lol.

paprika: gotta love char siew, eh, dear char siew queen? Now why didn't we think of doing this earlier? :-P

bernsy: thanks for the compliments! It does feel like ages, especially with about 150 posts up in one year! haha.

jun: my passion for photography got revived because of my blog. I'm so glad for that.

wmw: even if got wax oso, can peel off and eat wan. can never let good char siew go to waste.

jason: thanks. *wiping tear*

ling239: thanks, dear!

xiu long bao: Oh, I hope so too!! Gotta love sashimi!!

Cynthia: I'm glad I found you through our blogs too. You've opened my eyes to a variety of different cuisines!

arin: Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Happy 1 year blogging..! i enjoy reading your blog tremendously .. and the food pictures.. and others are all wonderfully taken.. ;)

sc said...

sorry for the late wishes, but better late than never right? ;). May there be many many more lovely pictures and beautiful write ups to come! XOXO