Bijou, Mont Kiara

The buildup towards Merdeka Day has been amazing. Through publications and exhibitions, one can almost feel like one were there when Tunku Abdul Rahman proclaimed Independence to the nation, his fist raised and his voice filled with emotion.
Happy 50th Birthday, Malaysia!

The holidays are perfect for catching up with old friends. I can't think of a better way to enjoy the day than to spend it with two of my oldest (literally!) friends from school, Yvonne and Rachael. I can't say that I've kept in touch with many friends from school, having left school half a lifetime ago, but those who are still in my life are dear to me. I remember, in the days before email, Yvonne and I used to write to each other during the school holidays, and we'd create little booklets out of our letters and illustrate the pages, sometimes creating secret pages to hide clues and presents for each other. Perhaps that is how creativity is born and moulded; imagination is a wonderful tool in the days before home computers and electronic gadgets. Lest I sound like Fatboybakes and his favourite "Young people nowadays.." lament (hehe!), I should state here that I welcome technology, but children should really be exposed to more educational activities. Hmmm. Maybe I am beginning to sound like FBB after all. *gulp*
Bijou is great for an intimate get-together like ours. The term child-friendly absolutely applies to this place as there is a little playground for the kids, while the restrooms have diaper changing facilities and diapers to boot. To keep the children busy while mummies and daddies get a chance to catch up with each other, there are papers and colouring pencils for the kids to doodle away. And what better way to keep a child busy than to give her balloons!

The decor is clean and breezy. The predominant colours of pink and orange prevailed in the colours of the cushions, balloons, pictures and even the flowers on the table.
We caught up with each other over tea and cakes. The cakes were, without a doubt, marvelous. The almond brownie (RM8) was chocolatey and dense, while the lemon poppyseed cake (RM10) with the cream cheese frosting was very moist and tasty. Both cakes were not overly sweet either. Little Amanda had the coffee cupcake (RM5).

Ground Floor, Damai Sari,
Mont Kiara Damai,
3 Jalan Kiara 2, Mont Kiara,
50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-6201 2131
For map, click here.
Selamat Hari Merdeka! Looks like you spent it well. That last chocolate cake photo looks decadently dense! Yummmmm!
Happy Independence!
The almond brownie does look divine, doesn't it? :-)
thank you!
oh gosh..more desserts delight..hey its time to get ur own kid to bring to bijou..turning 30 d..
Ah, it looks much nicer than when you described it to me yesterday... The pink Bijou balloon is so cool... and the last sepia photo of the man and the kid, very nice touch. :)
Thats bald eagle right? I love that shot! And tho black n white.. looks like he's got a nice pair of shoes on.
Gotta love desserts! :-P And 30 is still young ler.
It is a pretty place. Such an appropriate place for a bunch of girls (and Bald Eagle) to hang out. Thanks for the compliments on the pictures. The last picture (sepia) is my favourite. Bald Eagle was standing by the doorway while talking on his cellphone, and little Amanda ran over to him and stood beside him to watch the rain.
Yes, that's Bald Eagle. And he loves his shoes, so yeah, that's a pretty nice pair, if you asked me. :-)
all of a sudden, i m soo full of cupcakes without even tasting any and i dont think i will touch anything sweet in a cup for a long time...thanks to u, lol.
k.t.x, yeah, I know what you mean. Sadly, I have one more cupcakes post to put up, so you'll just have to bear with me.
Time to go spicy soon.
lovely pics, esp gorgeous last one - little one has such beautiful ringlets. I totally missed friday, submerged in kiddie world, had 5 kids over making cluster necklaces for a beading session and then I was just collapsed!! hee hee ran out of stamina!
Hey saw a foodie article quoting you on The Star!
The lemon poppyseed cake looks divine, Lyrical. Reminds me to add the citrony iced topping next time I make it when I get back to Switz.
Happy belated birthday! May all your sweet dreams come true...
(Even if you had photographic evidence that I'm a gal, your Bald Eagle might still think I'm a cross-dresser, especially if I put on red lipstick, heh heh.)
Bet your celebration isn't over yet till now! ;o)
yes, the little one has pretty curls. :-) What? U missed Friday?? How come?? Better change ur name to Bathgirl. haha.
Yeah, I saw it too. :-)
Wah...wish I could taste ur cake la. Thanks for the birthday wishes, Argus! And hey, you look very much like a girl..I'm sure Bald Eagle is convinced already. haha.
Celebrations ended on Sunday. This week's detox. More or less. heehee.
i luv the last pix :) and cupcakes again! U luv bijou dun u?
I just love cakes!! Mmmmmmm!!!
Very artistic, watching the rain together :)
jason: yeah, I love that pic.
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