Of Broken Belts, Sweaty Studs and the Village Park Restaurant, Damansara Utama

I had breakfast with a hot sweaty stud today.
It was one of those days that started off on a bad note. I had just settled my final car instalment payment, and as Murphy's Law always dictates, something must go wrong. In my case, it was a case of a few broken belts. Now, I can't imagine how I could have broken several belts in my engine at one go, but I'm no mechanic, and I can certainly recognise a damaged car when I see one.
My poor car has been terribly abused over the years. I can hear the shouts of Amen from those who know me well. My friends say that my AAM (Automobile Association of Malaysia) membership has been well utilised. I can't argue with that. You name it, I've done it. From towing to tyre punctures to battery replacements. All for just RM60 a year. That's good value.
So to cut a long story short, I got my car fixed this morning.
And the hot sweaty stud joined me for breakfast after that.
The hot sweaty stud recommended Village Park for nasi lemak. Even lit bloggers know where to find good food.
I was quite amazed at the popularity of this restaurant. At 10.30am, this restaurant was packed to the brim with tables spilling outside onto the road. And despite the blazing heat, people were enjoying their plates of nasi lemak with steaming cups of coffee. I knew that I had stumbled upon a jewel in Damansara Uptown.

The hot sweaty stud ordered nasi lemak with fried chicken. The rice was rich with coconut milk while the sambal, despite looking rather sweet, was actually quite spicy. Then again, the word spicy can be rather subjective. I have a lower tolerance towards chilli and have been known to use up an entire packet of tissue paper to wipe off tears and sweat when I eat hot food. The hot sweaty stud, however, thought that it was just nice, i.e. not too pedas. What I loved most about the nasi lemak was the crispy fried chicken that was served with it. I normally do not order fried chicken with nasi lemak as the chicken can sometimes turn out a little too dry. I was proven wrong. One bite, and I knew that the fried chicken served here would be a popular order. Succulent, tender and moist. Mmmmm. Absolutely delectable.

Nasi kunyit is made of glutinous rice steamed with thick coconut milk and turmeric, giving it a rich yellow colour. This cholestrol laden dish is normally served with thick chicken curry. It was such a treat for me to eat this.
A good meal is not always about good food. The hot sweaty stud made great company, with conversations (translated: gossip) ranging from headhunting to Paris Hilton to blogging for dummies to George Bush to the loser actor whose name he couldn't remember. At least he helped me forget, just for that moment, how I had to fork out RM120 to replace a bunch of broken belts in my car engine.
Why "hot" "sweaty" and "stud"?
Hot - there was no airconditioning at his bodybalance class.
Sweaty - he was perspiring profusely, his T-shirt drenched in sweat.
Stud - well, two out of three ain't so bad.
Nah. He's absolutely adorable.

Village Park Restaurant (halal)
5, Jalan SS21/37, Damansara Utama,
47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Tel: 03-7710 7860.
Opening hours: 7.00am - 9.00pm daily.
Dear Lyrical Lemongrass,
Perhaps he is hot and sweaty because he is nervous or excited. Were you wearing a low cut dress?
I lost count of the number of times you used the words "Hot Sweaty Stud". You must really like him. Beware, read his profile first, pay attention to the number of fairies' hearts he has broken.
We have AAA here and it is $99 for the whole family. We have used it twice in two years. In fact, just a week ago, they came by our house to replace our car battery ($200).
Now for the nasi lemak, I can eat that every day!
Ha ha ha...looks more like a review of the Hot Sweaty Stud than the food at Village Park!
lee ping: LOL!! That's really funny. :-) Btw, I was also hot and sweaty from standing in the heat at the mechanic's place waiting for my car to be fixed, so that is hardly a turn on.
Wow, your car battery sure is expensive. But yeah, AAM/AAA is definitely useful! I intend to take up a life membership.
Nasi lemak. Always comfort food for me.
wmw: It does sound like that, doesn't it? ;-) Seriously though, the food there is good. I highly recommend the fried chicken. Oh and there's nasi dagang there too!! But must go early coz they ran out of it quite fast. Next time u're in the neighbourhood, check it out. Maybe u'll bump into HSS there, DRIPPING in sweat like how he dripped in my car.
at least now V know its not only all about food.
btw one of us knows a lot about cars too ! belts too
LOL... I wonder how Kenny will react to this post. Seriously, where's the anchovies, peanuts and egg?? Don't hide them, lemme see lemme see :P
Ya ya, two out of three ain't bad, eh? ;)
Aiyo, you ha. And your readers ha. This is doing wonders for my notoriety though...
You didn't mention how the nasi dagang ran out by 10am on a Saturday! You guys need to go reallllll early to enjoy this one la.
team bsg: I'll keep you in mind next time I have car or belt problems.
jason: Hehe..don't worry 'bout Kenny...he's a big boy. Btw, I focused on the good stuff in the nasi lemak, i.e. the sambal and the fried chicken. You will have to go there urself to check out the rest of the stuff. This is just a teaser. ;-)
kenny mah: lol. We know the truth, don't we? ;-)
Wei, I'm going early for the nasi dagang next time...I psyched myself up for it and had to "settle" for nasi kunyit. Oklar...it wasn't really considered "settling" coz nasi kunyit was damn good too.
hahah the way i sweat..u hav to give me a better name then hot sweaty stud liao..
so which gym is dis ar?
Remind me never to take you out makaning in hot sweaty places. Don't wanna add to the statistic of Hot Sweaty Studs. Btw, didn't see your post on Basil eh.
joe: then u shud be called hot SWEATIER stud lor. Eventually, we can do a ranking to see who's the sweatiest (if there's ever such a word!).
About the gym, I'll leave it to Kenny to tell ya....nanti he's inundated with lots of new fans at his bodybalance class...how to handle so much heat??
timothy: hahaha....I think you're already in that category. ;-) But yeah, remember I told ya I wanted to eat at an airconditioned place...precisely to avoid hot sweaty cases lor. Basil blog coming up soon... ;-)
Ha ha ha....HSS dripped in your car??? Eyes wide open, jaw dropped!LOL
Anyway, I go to Village Park quite often, the curry puff there is yummy too!
finally, nasi lemak is back on the mainpage...;
but for me to reach DU fast, have to risk that crumbling Kepong flyover and the tolls...sob!
Never mind, will risk life and money all in pursuit of food.
wmw: I cannot tell a lie. heehee.
Ooh, next time I'll try the curry puffs too.
henry yeo: whaddaya mean "finally" huh? Diversity is the essence of a food blog, dear.
Hey, what's a crumbling flyover as compared to damn good nasi lemak, eh?
Chey, i upset. So near also never call me...what to do? Me no hot and sweaty stud! Tot you dying to see Pumpkin? Chey chey chey!!
Never mind, i get wmw to go there with me.
aiyoh precious pea....sowwy sowwy sowwy!! Next weekend I belanja u there...wan or not?? I want to go back there to eat nasi dagang lar.
YEAHHHH!!!! OK OK deal!!!!! Muacks!! For that i allow Pumpkin to give you a hug! And a big bite on your toe ;)
precious pea: phew! that was close. :-P Okay, our meeting is tentatively fixed for Saturday, 12 May at 9.00am at Village Park. Nasi dagang, here I come!
hahah ok ok..just wondering if its the same 1 as the 1 i go 2..dont worry i dont oogle at guys..thats for sure..
LOL! I'm sure Readings will suddenly see an influx of SYTs looking for Mr. Hot Sweaty Stud.
Yup, the food at Village Park is excellent. The nasi lemak and the nasi dagang is so yummy. Only problem with that place is parking esp weekdays. What a coincidence as I just had Nasi Dagang too on Sat but it was the Terengganu version.
:D I tot u were referring to bald eagle (abt the HSS thing).
joe: lol! So which gym do you go to? And hey, all da best for ur exams ar.
boo_licious: Ya lor...Kenny Mah has ta pay me for giving him so much publicity hor. So...wanna go to Village Park on Saturday for breakfast? ;-)
xiu long bao: Oh, Bald Eagle is in a special category altogether. ;-)
Okie, will try them out when I'm there >:)
I hope that I'm not included into da HSS category... *wink wink*
I'm also an AA member back in S'pore and now I'm here, I also joined AAA. Hahaha! The only thing I know in an event of flat tire or battery is to call the helpline! They have some good travel discounts too!
I rather have the chicken curry with the coconut based rice. Glutinous rice with curry...too jelat!
jason: good! and of course you are in that category, my dear boy!! ;-)
tigerfish: hi-5! Welcome to my club!
I know what you mean about the glutinous rice. I normally can't finish my food either.
Oh I like your last cup picture, I've been looking for one lidat for the longest time for my kopitiam. Nice pics of food too. Kenny Mah is definitely the sweetest guy I had ever come across
firehorse: Thanks! Let me know if you would like to use it...I can send you the pic in the original size. You're right...Kenny is sweet. Somehow, methinks this has become a Kenny Mah fanclub post...aiyoyo!
i just realised u put accountant as ur job..oh dear..a master infront of me n i didnt ask for help here hahaha..anywayz all is good..tmw i m officially free from the torture..
i m at true fitness, hartamas..n i dont do body balance classes haha
Joe: No worries. We're in *almost* the same line, really...did my professional exams many moons ago. Happy to get it out of the way so that I can concentrate on the finer things in life like sleeping. True Fitness is a bit far from ur office, isn't it? U go there for the women, ar?
i go for nasi lemak @village at nite..but they close early at 8pm though. I remembered my first time trying nasi lemak there, the waitress insisted i try their fried chicken..haha. good recommendation after all. erm, am a tad sleepy, blur and slight headache today, is kenny the HSS?
hmm, tried to do some csi work, and figure out who the BB instructor is, and which gym... figured if u had breakfast at DU, must be from certain radius, so gyms within a 5km radius (that offer Body Balance) would be FF DU, FFcurve, Celeb...
but alas, i failed. you mean kenny is a body balance instructor ah?
Thinking not necessary. Meknows THIS is a KennyMah fanclub post! Haha.
Aiya, I want to cuddle pumpkin too but cannot make it on Sat morns. *droopy eyes, pouting*
SC: U live around DU area, I presume? Wanna join us for Sat morning breakfast (if it's on)? And yes, HSS is Kenny.
fbb: very good csi work, I must say! If I ever need some investigative work done, I'll call ya. Kenny is a BB instructor in training.
tummythoz: It didn't start out as a KennyMah fanclub post, but somehow, along the way, I notice that ppl were more interested in him than in the food!! Too bad about Sat mornings...you work Sats, dontcha?
Donch work. More of a committed past time which friends had nicked it 'national service'. Anyway, just keep me posted, k. There's always 'one fine day' that I may b able to make it.
i used to stay at DJ, moved to my new place late last year. wherabouts for brekkie? if i'm in (may go back hometown), i'll join definitely :)..
tummythoz: now u've made me curious about your "national service".
sc: brekkie in Village Park on Sat 9.00am. interested? And this invitation goes out to everyone out there too. The more the merrier lor.
hmmm, i might be interested. why so early ah?
fbb, do come! Hafta be early coz they run out of the nasi dagang quite fast and I weally weally wanna try it. But if u can't come so early, join us later lor. Doubt if we'll just eat and cabut so fast. Must gossip a bit oso mah.
yup, especially to try the nasi dagang (i didnt even know village park serves that)..ooohhh
SC, FBB and everyone else: CHANGE OF PLANS. Bloggers' breakfast has been rescheduled to Saturday, May 19 at 8.30am at Village Park Restaurant. I'll leave the same comment in my latest post just to be sure u guys see it.
pshaw, i was looking forward to it this sat.
sorri la fbb...hope u can make it for next saturday!
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