When Bloggers Get Together To Decorate Cupcakes
Or How To Tell That It's Her First Time

When the recipe says, "Cream butter till smooth, then add icing sugar", she thinks it's okay to do the reverse.

She curses under her breath when the icing comes out from the other end of the bag.

I firmly resolve never to laugh at Fatboybakes again.
The good people of Abu Dhabi may view pics HERE.
you are fast..real fast!! i havent even uploaded my fotos yet..
yes, i shall not laugh at fbb again!..
ok lar...the cupcakes look like got "standard"...nice! good job...hehe
Wahh...yalor..so fast! How come only 3 pictures of your masterpiece? What about the rest? Hehehe...lovely cupcakes. But sadly, too full to try the lemon version.
Nipples: hehe...doesn't take long to upload. Now everybody say together: SORRY FATBOYBAKES!
nic: you're too kind! hehe.
precious sista: dowwan to put up so many pics ler. Yeah, the cupcakes were delicious!
wah those cupcake looks simple and elegant. Must be tiring icing each cupcake. :)
this is so freaking awesome!
Thanks for organizing the gathering. Will try to bring some other games next time to humour everyone.
Looks like you guys had a great time :)
i love the "Flaming Chocolate Cup Cake" (the first pic)
ouchh.. those pics are giving me a headache...
actually, if i may say so myself, ahem, the actual cupcakes were rather yummy. just had a bite of the chocolate with caramelised banana one just now.
no comments about the decoration.
aww, so cuuuttte! golly, someone let you use an icing bag? ;)
BBO: Gotta admire ppl who do this for a living, man. :-P
nags: awesome? hehe...
henry: no probs.
jason: definitely!
ekeng: wahhhh....now got name somemore ar? :-P
anonymous: thanks. :-P
fatboybakes: I hafta agree with you. The chocolate with banana was awesome man. Had one last nite too. Thanks for BAKING THEM. And thanks for letting me touch your icing bag. ;-)
msiagirl: It takes a real man to let me touch his...errr...icing bag.
all the cupcakes look so adorable!! gip mii one... =) kawaiiiiii~
wow.... such a masterpiece! looks so pretty!! can i have some? hehe
Nothing wrong with the cupcakes wat.. :)
Nice ones...haha, I'll leave the decorating to you guys. I'll just eat! Hahaha...
Wah, so purty! Are you sure it was your first time, woman? Or were you pretending to be a cupcake-icing-vurjun? ;-P
(I chortled when I read the bit about the icing coming out the other side - it happened to me like 10 years ago, heh.)
You've definitely got a point re: icing bags and the timing is sooo important.
the cupcakes looks so cute! for first timers, this looks darn good!
I pwomise not to laugh too!
My cupcakes nice wert!
I so love your sense of humour!
nice nice! first attempt? u r MUCH better than me!
Nice cupcakes..!
I think all the icing will go into my mouth before it reaches the cupcake if I was doing what you did.
Did my comment go thru? I was just complimenting your don't-look-like much-of-a-1st-attempt cupcake handiwork.
Why...it looks pretty okay to me:D
Maybe I am no expert...but it looks cute:)
wat a lovely cupcakes..
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